Out with the old, in with the new!

This is a tough message to start so I’m jumping in the deep end and letting you know that after an incredibly rewarding, at times frustrating, yet so f*cking fulfilling 25 year run here at the wine shack I’m going to be selling VINO and retiring (apparently I’m older than I think I am 😬). I’ve gotta admit I’m feeling a bit out of my element with the impending change, but also excited in so many ways. Now I hear y’all going “But what about us?”, and I just want you to know I’ve found a great buyer, someone I’ve known for years in the business, who couldn’t be more perfect to take over and take VINO to the next level. More on him in a bit.

You’re likely wondering when this is all happening? Well, it’s been in the works for a few months but has come together rather quickly here at the finish, as these things sometimes do. So my last day working will be a week from this Saturday, Aug. 31! Which is soon. And blowing my mind just a wee bit, as you might imagine. And yes, there will likely be bubbly flowing that last Saturday so hope to see you here!

Now who’s the new sheriff here on SE 28th and Ash St.? A gentleman by the name of Scott Love, who is someone I’ve worked with for years in his capacity as a wholesale rep with Galaxy Wine Co. here in PDX and is ready for his next chapter. Scott’s a great guy, very chill, a pro who knows a ton about wine and the business, and, like me, appreciates it in a healthy way. My promise to myself when I decided to pursue a sale was that I would never sell to someone that I didn’t feel was the right fit, might not make it work, or do right by you guys. Well, I have zero qualms about Scott’s ability to do all of that. He’s got so many great ideas to take VINO forward, and I’m super excited for VINO 2.0. It’s going to be awesome! I’ve gotten to know a different side of Scott through this whole process and couldn’t feel better about this changeover and have so much respect for his honesty and integrity. No, he’s not me (and thank god for that!) and yes, there’ll be changes, but I promise Scott’s someone you can be sure will do his best for you.
And, oh, by the way, after a brief week long or so closure to move some things around and do some painting and cleaning (hooray!!), he’s also planning on going back to holding Friday Flight tastings EVERY WEEK!! He’s tentatively scheduled the first FF for Sept. 13, so stay tuned as he takes over the email notifications.

So, 25 years. Wow! When I started in Sellwood in November of 1999 my idea was to do this wine shop thing 5 years or so then sell it and move on to  start something new. Obviously that plan went way off the rails, and I couldn’t be happier or more fortunate. I’ve known a lot of you since that first year, and the friendships and customer relationships I formed then and in the years since have been so rewarding. I’ve seen you meet at VINO, date, possibly get married, maybe have babies who’ve now become adults. I’ve seen you retire into your best lives and come back with grandkids. So much has happened to all of us. We’ve gone through good times and some not-so-good times and I’m humbled and blessed to have been able to share all of it with you, and for you sharing your lives with me. It’s become my community, or more correctly OUR community, and I’ve appreciated everyone who’s paid a visit.

And then there’s the incredible women who’ve worked for me and worked for you. Keeping me in line, keeping your glasses filled, and keeping this whole ship from drifting onto the rocks. Kate, Robin, Sarah, Alley, Nici, Mayme, Alex, Christina, and others over the years. There is no way to express my thanks to them. Kate, it’s been 24+ years (!!!) of working together and I truly wouldn’t have wanted to do it without you. Robin, going back to Sellwood days to now, you know your sass and snark has always been appreciated. Sarah, you covered for me and kept VINO open during my cancer treatments and I’ll never forget you for that. All the fabulous, smart, strong, funny women who’ve worked here have made this place what it is and hanging out with them dishing and drinking after our Friday tastings will always be near the top of my highlight reel. Love you guys so much and will miss you more than I can say!😘

So, I don’t want to go all Joe Biden and go on and on and on….and on (but, man, did you catch Michelle Obama’s speech Tuesday? Holy hell, I’d walk through fire for that woman!), so I just want to say thank you all so much for EVERYTHING. It’s been amazing and I can’t say strongly enough how much better my life has been because of you guys and what you helped VINO become. Thank you for coming along for the ride!!

Much love to you, and here’s to the best in the future for all of us!!


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