2021 PECCHENINO "San Luigi" Dogliani
$18.95 bottle/ $182.00 case
For those who want a bit of pasta and pizza perfect Italian influence as summer tomato season steams into high gear, this incredibly food friendly bottle is exactly the wine you want. I was having it last night with a too large bowl of penne with my homemade bolognese sauce and it was SO perfect,…
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Here are six shining examples of why so many people say that once you hit that $20-ish price point, the return on your wine investment increases exponentially. The following bottle (offered in a rather appealing mixed case at the end) easily prove the wisdom of those words. I’m more than a little excited to get…
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IT’S BACK!!!! Now on to what, along with the annual Buckman Pinot Noir release each September, is the most asked about wine here at VINO. At last the wait is over……. 2023 UN AUTRE MONDE Pinot Noir “Willamette Valley” $15.95 bottle/ $153.00 case Yes, the price is correct, AND the same as last year! Also…
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